
Super Mecha Champions a Multiplayer online Battle Royal game that you can find on the Android Play Store or Apple store.
This game has much good graphics. There you can add your friend and play with them. You can play solo, duo, or squad mode. When you start the game there you find a lobby. You need to wait 30 sec then the game will be start. At first, you see a plane and a big map/city. You need to jump. The jumping system is pretty cool. Now the Battle starts. Defeat your enemies and win the match to earn rewards.
Super Mecha Champions

Game Trailer

About This Game:
  • Released on 28 July 2019
  • Big Map
  • 50+ Enemies to defeat
  • Smooth Gameplay
  • Voice Chat Make it easy to defeat your enemies
  • There are rewards at the end of each game
  • Game size: 2.15 GB
  • Review Rate: 4.1 stars (131k reviews)
  • 1M+ downloads
Requirement for this game:
  • 3 GB Ram 
There are so many weapons in the game. you can choose your favorite weapon from the battleground. Make your best partner and start playing. 

Game link:  

4. Tacticool - 5v5 shooter is an online multiplayer battle royal game. This game creates for Android gamers. This game has awesome and cool sound effects and music inside the game. This game quality is different than other games. You can try this game through your Android Mobile phone and also using your apple phone. You can add your friend to this game. Also you can show your score to your friends. I think you should try this game even you playing a more awesome game. 
Tacticool - 5v5 shooter

Game Trailer
About This Game:
  • Released on 29 January 2019
  • Story life
  • Cool Music
  • American Game
  • Review rate 4.6 stars (477k reviews)
  • Unique Character and weapons
  • 10M+ Downloads
  • Game size 467 MB 
Requirement For This Game:
  • 3GB ram for best experience (highly recommended) 
  • or 2 GB ram
Unlock and enjoy this game. 

Game link: 

3. Omega Legends. This is a sci-fi battle royale Game. This game is like a modern game. Games are known this game as "Ω". Players can talk through their voices option. That makes games easier for gamers. I like this game's girl character lips badly. Haha sorry for the non-topic. Whatever Select your hero and go to the future battleground and defeat your enemies. Every character has a different ability that makes you more powerful. Choose your teammate and stat playing Omega Legends.

Omega Legends

Game Trailer

The worldwide game Omega Legend smooth for 3 GB ram phones. You can talk to other country players. It's so cool bro. 

About this game:
  • Released on 15 Jan 2021 (last update 9 March 2021)
  • Review rate 4.5 stars (624k review)
  • Game size: 767 MB
  • Unique game
  • Future and modern style
  • 10M+ download
Requirement for this game:
  • 3 GB ram for Smooth experience

Game Link: 

2. Creative Destruction is a multiplayer online battle royal sandbox survival game. cool style and many advance feature in the game. I am sure you obviously like this game. Many player already playing this game and this game is popular also. But like other game you can spend your money here and buy whatever you want. They also give you free reward.
Don't waste your time just try this game if you like. 
Creative Destruction
About this game:
  • Released on 19 June 2018
  • Review Rate 4.2 star ( 1 million review )
  • 10 Million + download
  • Game size: 2.6 GB
  • Modern Game
  • Last update 24 June 2021
Requirement For this game:
  • 3 GB Ram recommended (You can play through your 2 Gb Ram Phone also but not smooth experience )
  • At last 32 GB Rom 
 Game Link: 

1. Ride Out Heroes   is a multiplayer battle royal game. I place this game on 1st because of this game style pets and riding style. so much cool this game is. Try it. The only problem is when you start the game it take time more than 1 min.
Ride Out Heroes
Game Trailer
About This Game:
  • Released on 22 October 2019
  • Unique Character and also their ability
  • Review Rate 4.2 star ( 80k review )  
  • 1Million+ Download
  • Last Update 8 April 2021 
  • Game size 1.7 GB
Requirement for this game:
  • 3 GB ram needed for smooth experience 

Game Link:

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